You can return media at all library locations. At the Central Library, there is a machine that takes your media back during the general opening hours - returning media at the service-desks is only possible during the service hours. You will not need you SLUBCARD to do so. There are some media which cannot be returned at the machine. These include: audiovisual media (CDs, CD-ROMs, DVDs, video cassettes and records), notes with voices, as well as media borrowed via interlibrary loan and keys for book boxes.
Can I return books by mail?
Yes, you can return media by mail. Please use the following address:
Sächsische Landesbibliothek –
Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Dresden (SLUB)
Zellescher Weg 18
01069 Dresden
Further information:
Please note that when sending media by mail, they are on your hands as long as they are not registered back at the library. Delivery time for book shippings amounts to four to five days. Book shippings are, in contrast to parcels, not insured in case they get lost.
What happens in case of damage or loss of a medium?
In case of loss or damage of borrowed media you are under obligation to pay compensation. Please report to the respective circulation desk immediately. The staff then decides in what form you will have to compensate.
How and how often can I extend loan periods of borrowed media?
It is possible to extend the loan period of media five times. You can extend the period yourself via your user account, at the SLUBChat, by phone at +49 351 4677-390 or via the contact form on the SLUB homepage - as long as no other library user has requested the media. The extension period begins the day you initiate the renewal.
Can I renew my SLUB CARD online?
No, the extension of the validity of the SLUBcard is not possible via an online form or any other web option of the user account.
But you can renew the validity of your SLUBcard via the contact form on the SLUB homepage, via SLUB Chat or by phone at +49 351 4677-390.
For this purpose we need the following data from you:
- user number
- name, first name
- date of birth
- current address
- Students of the TU Dresden: photo/scan of your student ID or certificate of enrollment (in case of renewal by phone, please present it at the service desk during your next SLUB visit
What does this mean in the SLUB account: The copy is reserved?
If a work is " reserved", another user shows interest in this book. A further extension is therefore not possible.
We kindly ask you to return it on time.