Qucosa is the Saxon server for documents and publications. Qucosa serves the purpose of cost-free publishing, proof and long-term storage of electronic documents such as theses, research papers, final reports et al. It is part of the international Open Access movement.
FAQs - Writing & Publishing
How can I tell often my papers have been cited?
The multidisciplinary database Web of Science and Scopus, which is licensed at the TU Dresden campus and the SLUB, also records citations of journal articles. An easy way to track citations of own academic papers is to set up a so called Citation Alert after registering as a user.
Google Scholar shows citations of academic works regardless of the publication type. With Google Scholar Citations it is possible to monitor citations of your publications. The requires to create a personal author profile.
Does the SLUB allocate free licenses for digitized objects?
Yes. Creative Commons offers different standard license contracts for publishing and distributing digital media content. We use the Creative Commons License CC-BY-SA 4.0, which also allows modifications and commercial use of works when circulated under identical conditions.
Further information:
What is an impact factor?
The impact factor (Journal Impact Factor) indicates how often articles of a journal have been cited on average over a given period. It is used to measure the research impact of journals and is indirectly also a popular but critically discussed indicator of a researcher’s scientific reputation. Due to great professional differences, it is suitable only for comparison of journals within narrow research fields. Impact factors can be found in the database Journal Citation Reports. For more information please get in contact with our bibliometrics team.
Further information:
- Bibliometrics
To what purpose do I use reference management software?
Reference management software supports the process of academic research and writing. It simplifies the compilation, administration and organisation of your literature and other information. When writing your texts thereafter, these programs help with consistent citation and assist with compiling your bibliography.
Is reference management software subject to a charge?
There is cost-free as well as fee-based software. Zotero, for example, is a free program. Fee-based software is partly provided free of charge in limited versions, such as Citavi. There are also temporally limited test versions available, as offered by Endnote.
Further information:
- Reference Management
Where can I hand in printed depositary copies according to the SächsPresseG?
You can submit depositary copies by mail. Please send them to the following address:
SLUB Dresden, Pflichtexemplare
Zellescher Weg 18
01069 Dresden
It is also possible to hand them in at the Central Library's Service Counter during the service hours.
Further information:
- Pflichtexemplare abliefern
Can I receive financial support when I intend to publish in Open Access journals?
Yes, SLUB can support you financially, if you are a TUD affiliated member and the corresponding author of the article. Please note that it is only possible if there is a framework or transformative agreement between the publisher and the SLUB. You can find more information on our website under „Open-Access-Finanzieren“.
Why should I publish electronically?
Among others, electronic publishing offers the following advantages for authors:
- worldwide availability of full texts
- citability due to constant web adress (URN)
- good traceability in catalogs, directories and search engines
- increased visibility - contributions are better perceived
Qucosa, the Saxon Document and Publication Server, is available at the SLUB for the purpose of electronic publishing. Qucosa therewith also adopts the idea of open access publishing – the cost-free access to academic information and literature. Our Open Access-Team is happy to provide further information.
Can I get help when writing scientific publications?
Yes. Together with you we develop strategies and concepts in your discipline. We consult and give advice regarding the professional use of tools that support the whole process of scientific writing (word processing and reference management software). For individual consulting, please make an appointment with our experts in the knowledge bar - write / publish.
Is there any support for research data management?
Research Data Management (FDM) covers all organizational activities associated with the extraction, treatment, processing, analysis, storage, filing and publication of research data. The SLUB provides its users with comprehensive services via the Service team research data – a cooperation of the SLUB and partners from TUD such as the Center for Information Services and High Performance Computing (ZIH). Get in contact with the service team via forschungsdaten@slub-dresden.de or arrange a personal consultation in our Wissensbar.
How many printed copies of my doctoral thesis do I have to hand in?
The publishing of doctoral and postdoctoral theses as well as details on deposit copies are subject to the doctoral/postdoctoral regulations of the respective faculty of the TU Dresden. Please read up about your faculty’s specific standards.
Further Information
Can I edit my own texts at the library's PC workstations?
Yes. At all PC workplaces there is LibreOffice installed. You can edit own texts, presentations or tables - also if they are created in MicrosoftOffice - via the Viewer. It is important to save the file in your editing format.
Please note: after ten minutes of inactivity the current user will be logged out, following a respective warning. At this point at the latest, all your personal data such as downloads, forms, histories and passwords are permanently deleted.