Exhibitions | Book Museum

Whether a photographic snapshot, a centuries-old parchment manuscript, a sonorous sheet of music or moving images from the early days of film - at the SLUB Book Museum we present treasures and discoveries from our diverse collections. Visit us on sight or browse through our exhibition archive! Admission to all exhibitions and events is free.

In the Book Museum on the 2nd floor of the SLUB Central Library, we regularly show changing exhibitions. This year, our anniversary exhibitions to mark the 100th anniversary of the Deutsche Fotothek can be seen there. In addition, the Dresden Mayan manuscript is on permanent display in the Treasury.


100 years of the Deutsche Fotothek

1 anniversary year | 7 exhibitions

26.01.2024 - 11.01.2025

Book Museum | Gallery at the Reading Room | Bib-Lounge



The Maya Manuscript in Dresden

Permanently on display in the Treasury

Contact and opening hours

Book museum and treasury 
SLUB Central Library , 2. floor
Zellescher Weg 18
01069 Dresden

Contact person: Dr. Karina Iwe and Dr. Edith Schriefl
Tel.: +49 351 4677-580
Fax: +49 351 4677-733
E-Mail: Buchmuseum@slub-dresden.de

Opening hours of the book museum
Monday - Friday 10:00-18:00
Saturday & 1. Sunday of the month 14:00-18:00

Free admission


Please note that for filming in the Book Museum as well as in other rooms of the SLUB you need a filming permit. filming permit Are you interested in filming an object from our collection in your exhibition? Here you will find information on Loan requests.

Our events and next guided tours

Interim Library Bergstrasse

Exhibitions at other SLUB locations

We also regularly organise exhibitions on various topics in the other branch libraries of the SLUB. Currently on display in the break room of the August-Bebel-Straße/ TextLab library is Verbotene Stimmen. Life in the Third Reich from the perspective of censored artists. This exhibition, which runs until 15 August 2024, focuses on the writings of Käthe Kollwitz, Erich Kästner, Victor Klemperer and Thomas Mann during censorship in the Third Reich. The focus is on their thoughts and way of life between 1933 and 1945 as well as the works they created during this period.

More about the exhibition

Virtual exhibitions