Devices and advice

You study architecture and need a model? Are you planning a wedding and want to make unique decorative elements? Do you love to tinker and craft - and preferably with state-of-the-art equipment that private individuals rarely have access to? Then you've come to the right place! Here you can read which tools are available to you in the SLUB Makerspace and how you can use them.

Contact and opening hours

Bibliothek DrePunct / Makerspace
Zellescher Weg 17, 01069 Dresden

Makerspace M1
Makerspace M2

Fragen und Kontaktmöglichkeiten
Beratung über die Wissensbar

FAQs zum SLUB Makerspace

Öffnungszeiten des SLUB Makerspace

Tuesday and Thursday
9:00–12.30 and 16.00–19.30
Wednesday and Friday
9:00–12:30 Uhr

In the Makerspace, a wide range of tools and equipment is available to you as an SLUB user:in. Our virtual tour "Technology in the SLUB Makerspace" gives you a first impression of the available rooms and possibilities.

How to use our offer

You can use the tools independently for your projects. In some cases, you need an equipment licence to use the tools independently. This usually consists of an e-tutorial and on-site training. For more information on the use and booking of all equipment, please refer to their descriptions on the following pages. On site, our support staff will be happy to help and advise you.

Are you looking for a different tool or device? Then please use the search function in our general overview. Individual advice, tailored to your specific needs, is available free of charge at the Knowledge Bar.

In the course of the system changeover, not all users with a device licence have yet been activated for independent booking. If you are affected, please log in to the booking system with your user number and password and send us an e-mail. We will activate your account as soon as possible.