Open-Access-Journalfinder B!SON

The B!SON recommendation system developed by TIB Hannover and SLUB searches for suitable media for your publication from the multitude of all quality-assured OA journals. For this purpose, B!SON relies on innovative semantic and bibliometric methods and uses the open data sources DOAJ and OpenCitations.

The right journal for your topic

As a freely accessible research tool, B!SON can effectively help you publish your scientific work in an OA journal that is actually read by your target group. This is achieved with a combination of special bibliometric methods and machine learning techniques. In this way, semantic matches of working title and abstract with corresponding journals can be reliably determined. The following video presents the tool in 90 seconds:

Your opinion about B!SON is important to us

The final version of B!SON is expected to be available in spring 2023. If you have already used the current beta version of B!SON, please send us feedback by e-mail on how you liked the tool - even just in keywords: Your feedback on the current status enables us to improve the research tool in your interest. In concrete terms, it helps us to refine the algorithm and, more generally, to optimise usability.

Thank you in advance for your efforts!

Do you have any questions or need further information? We will be happy to advise you!

Michael Wohlgemuth
Phone: +49 351 4677-326

Or book an appointment with one of our experts at the Knowledge Bar.