- Your work was produced entirely or predominantly at the TU Dresden.
- Written reference to TU Dresden: You, as a paying Corresponding Author, are an affiliated member of TU Dresden at the time of acceptance and/or publication of the manuscript. You must indicate this affiliation in the publication in accordance with the Publication Guideline of the TU Dresden. Publications by visiting researchers cannot be funded.
Fund open access articles
As a scientific author, you can have your open access articles financed: The aim of this support is to further increase the proportion of publications in open access and to make knowledge generally available.
How we finance your publication
Scientific authors are charged with Article Processing Charges (APC) for publishing in many Open Access (OA) journals. These fees can be covered by the DFG-funded publication fund of TU Dresden 2023. The SLUB has signed agreements with various publishers in order to make the publication process simple and cost-effective. In journals covered by these agreements, no separate application for funding is necessary. If the OA journal, in which you intend to publish your article, is not covered by one of these agreements, please apply for OA funding.
Application form for OA article funding
About Open Access funding
You can publish your open access articles in either fully or hybrid journals. While in fully open access journals all articles are published open access, in hybrid journals you may decide whether the article is published closed access or by payment of an APC fee. However, this means that not only the authors pay a fee for the OA publication of their articles, but also the libraries for the subscription of the journal. To avoid this double financing, you should only choose the OA option in hybrid journals if the journal is covered by one of the transformative agreements signed by the SLUB.
Criteria for funding journal articles
The SLUB will fund your scientific papers if the following funding criteria are met:
Research at the TU Dresden
Selection of the publisher and the journal
- Journal in DOAJ: Your article appears in a fully OA journal listed in the Directory of Open Access Journals . Articles in so-called mirror journals (OA derivatives of subscription journals) are not eligible for funding even if the journal is indexed in DOAJ. Articles in hybrid journals are only funded if the SLUB has signed a transformative agreemetn with the publisher. See Our Contracts with Publishers and Initiatives below.
- Verified quality: The publication has undergone a professionally recognised quality assurance process.
Publication of your publication
- Eligible document types and formats: Research articles (e.g. original paper, review paper, brief communication) that have been accepted for publication or published by the publisher in 2023 are eligible. Non-research articles are not eligible.
- Free licence of use: Your article appears under an open content licence that allows free use for all. Suitable here are the CC-BY or CC-BY-SA licence of the provider Creative Commons (CC). The licence restricion "Non Commercial" (NC) should be avoided if possible.
- Identifier available: Your publication has the persistent identifier DOI (Digital Object Indentifier) and is linked to your ORCiD profile. ORCiD stands for Open Researcher and Contributor iD and permanently and unambiguously links research results and activities to people in the scientific community.
- Acknowledgement: In the case of articles that have been written partly or entirely in the context of a third-party funded project, the authors are generally obliged to include the required wording of the funding body.
These publication fees are fundable
- We can only finance your article processing charges. It is not possible to cover the costs of other publication fees such as colour charges, page charges, submission charges, fast track fees, licence fees, archive fees and other administrative fees.
- Available funds: As the funds in the publication fund are limited, it will not be possible to support all OA publications at TU Dresden. Therefore, please always check first whether alternative sources of funding from third-party funded projects or funds from the budget of the TU Dresden or the Medical Faculty Carl Gustav Carus are available to you for your OA publication. In the case of third-party funded projects with a mandate and requested funds for OA, these should be used or used up first.
- Personal funding cap: A maximum of two OA articles per corresponding author and year can be applied for. This cap does not apply to publications in journals that are invoiced via corresponding contracts with the SLUB.
- Article fee cost cap: There is currently no cost cap for publication fees. In order to avoid oversubscription of the publication fund, we kindly ask you to avoid journals with prices that do not correspond to the provided services. The SLUB Open Access Service will be happy to assist you in choosing suitable journals.
Application for payment of publication fees
We recommend that you seek advice from our team before submitting your article to enable initial publication in an eligible OA journal. It is possible to apply for funding before submission, but also after your article has been accepted by the corresponding author in the journal. Please use the application form to submit your application.
Our team will take care of the formal check of the financial viability and will grant or refuse funding, taking into account the overall budget commitment in the publication fund and the compliance with the funding criteria.
Invoice processing
In journals that are not covered by SLUB contracts, publication fees are individually invoiced. SLUB will handle the entire billing process for you. The invoice must show SLUB as the invoice recipient and contain the following information:
SLUB Dresden
Department of Collection Development
01054 Dresden
VAT-ID: DE 190021717
Please make sure that your name does not appear in the invoice address, as you do not work at SLUB.
If your invoice has already been paid by (third-party) funds of the TU-Dresden including the Medical Faculty Carl Gustav Carus, a refund is only possible in exceptional cases. Please contact our team, which will evaluate your situation and coordinate the reimbursement.
Publication fund well managed
The German Research Foundation (DFG) provides funds for publications in Open Access within the framework of the programme "Open AccessPublication Costs", which are supplemented by own funds of the TU Dresden, the Medical Faculty and the SLUB. For the administration of this publication fund, the number as well as the individual costs of all publications of the TU Dresden must be recorded centrally in the new research information system of the TU Dresden (FIS), so that a valid evaluation can be made at the end of the granting phase. Please register your publication there promptly after publication. In addition, you must also post a funded OA article in the institutional repository Qucosa so that it is long-term archived. Many thanks for this in advance!
Our agreements with publishers and initiatives
The SLUB has concluded framework or transformative agreements with numerous publishers, making open access publishing uncomplicated. Please take a look at the individual framework conditions of possible funding or use of discounts:
Aerosol Research (Copernicus)American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)ACM - Association for Computing MachineryAmerican Institute of Physics (AIP Journals)BMJ JournalsCambridge University PressCogitatioCopernicus PublicationsDe GruyterElsevier (DEAL)EmeraldFrontiersHogrefe PsyJournalsKOALA Social SciencesKOALA Media SciencesInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)Institute of Physics (IOP)Karger JournalsOpen Library of Humanities (OLH)Rockefeller University PressSage JournalsSciPostSchweizerbartSPIE International Society for Optics and Photonics)Sponsoring Consortium for Open-Access Publishing in Particle Physics (SCOAP3)Springer-Nature (DEAL)Taylor & FrancisThe Company of BiologistsThiemeWiley(DEAL)
Feel free to contact us!
We will be happy to advise you before you submit an OA article and check whether your work is eligible for funding.
Write to us at openaccess@slub-dresden.de, call us:
Simone Gruner Tel: +49 351 4677-503
Jennifer Franke Tel: +49 351 4677-265
Michael Wohlgemuth Tel: +49 351 4677-326
or book an appointment with our experts in the Knowledge bar.