Digital Concert Hall of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra

On the online platform Digital Concert Hall, the Berliner Philharmonie regularly makes concerts held there available in HD video format. They can be followed directly in a live stream or viewed time-delayed. In addition, many concerts are accompanied by "intermission talks" with members of the orchestra, soloists, conductors or composers. The Digital Concert Hall also offers a wide range of top-class music films.

This is how access works for users of the SLUB:

  • Based on the IP range, you will automatically be directed to a welcome page set up especially for SLUB users.
  • Here you will be asked to register with an individual e-mail address and password.
  • After registration you will have access to all concerts, films and interviews on the Digital Concert Hall.
  • By registering, you are assigned to the SLUB and can also use the service outside the SLUB on all devices and apps supported by the Digital Concert Hall by means of your individual login.
  • Every four weeks, the SLUB affiliation must be verified. This is done by logging in again within the SLUB network (on SLUB premises).

We look forward to a lively use of the Digital Concert Hall. If you have any questions about this new data offering, please feel free to contact us at

Your SLUB wishes you much pleasure, knowledge and inspiration in the Digital Concert Hall of the Berlin Philharmonie.