Data Stewardship goes Germany

Data Stewardship goes Germany 2024

We are pleased to announce that the next Data Stewardship goes Germany Workshop will be held at the RWTH Aachen from 11 to 12 September 2024.

To the DSgG 2024 Workshop

Workshop proceedings

The workshop proceedings can be found on Zenodo.


The Interest Group RDM of the TU9 Alliance, Association of German Universities of Technology, invites data stewards, research data officers, research data handling officers, data experts, data curators and data managers, as well as anyone interested in research data management (RDM), to a two-day workshop on RDM in science and engineering. There will be a special focus on the concept of data stewardship.

The workshop was held on 25-26/9/2023 at the Open Science Lab of the Saxon State and University Library (SLUB).

There is an increasing understanding that RDM is neither trivial, nor can it be expected to be a core competence of scientific personnel in research institutes. Through the implementation of data stewards into their existing team structures, more and more research facilities and projects have started to appreciate the impact of sensitising researchers to sustainable RDM practices on the quality of their scientific output. 

This workshop provides the opportunity to network and critically analyse problems within the RDM community. It fosters the exchange of knowledge in the developing field of data stewardship through the presentation of innovative solutions and comprehensive evaluations.

The workshop is held in English.

Participation in the workshop is free of charge. On the first night of the workshop, we would like to invite you to join a shared dinner on a self-pay basis.

Call for Contributions

The submission period has ended

The aim of this workshop is to facilitate an exchange of experiences between data stewards, research data (handling) officers, research software engineers, data experts, data curators und data managers from technical and natural science disciplines. It's a networking opportunity with the chance to discuss current and future developments in the field of data stewardship in Germany and internationally.

We invite you to submit contributions on the following topics:

  • increase of reusability of research data
  • innovative approaches to the processing and publication of research data
  • paradigm shift in the publication and reusability of research data
  • research data management workflows, tools and their support
  • communication between data stewards and researchers
  • education, training and consulting by data stewards
  • challenges and success stories in establishing data stewardship
  • data steward: definition and tasks
  • library, computing centre, project: concepts to integrate data stewardship into the institutional infrastructure and daily research practice

We welcome the presentation of project descriptions, critical reviews and good practice reports as well as theoretical and practical approaches regarding the above-mentioned topics.

Contributions are possible in form of a:


  • submission of an abstract (800-1000 words)
  • each presentation will be structured into 15 minutes of presentation and 10 minutes of follow-up discussion


  • submission of an abstract (500-750 words)
  • posters will be presented during a poster session at the workshop, at least one person is to be available to answer questions during the poster session

The workshop language will be English. Please submit your abstract in English as a PDF document via email. All authorship information is to be anonymised, i.e., any explicit and implicit information regarding the author's identity should be avoided. Review will be conducted by the program committee using a double-blind review process. Notification of acceptance will be sent out by 10 July 2023. We are planning on publishing a proceedings volume with selected extended papers following the workshop.