
ReproducibiliTea Journal Club - ReproHack Workshop

Open Science / Publishing

We warmly invite you to join our journal club where we (usually) discuss publications on good scientific practice with a focus on Open Science. This forum welcomes individuals across the academic spectrum, ranging from students and early career researchers to established academics, fostering a diverse and inclusive environment for knowledge exchange. Our journal club is part of the ReproducibiliTea movement, a global initiative dedicated to promoting transparency, rigor, and reproducibility in scientific research. By actively discussing publications that explore these essential principles, we aim to deepen our understanding and drive positive change within the scientific community. You can find further information and updates on our Twitter page and the corresponding OPAL course.

For this session, we would like to invite you to participate in our ReproHack event. We will attempt to reproduce the analysis results of published work based on the corresponding open data and code. This includes accessing materials, getting an overview of data and documentation as well as executing (and debugging if necessary) the analysis code. Please note that this event will start at 1pm and take up until 6pm (with breaks in between) and will therefore be a longer session than the usual ReproducibiliTea. If you would like to read up on ReproHack events, see the website of ReproHack Hub. We are looking forward to a lot of testing and learning together with you!

Location: SLUB Open Science Lab (OSL3) or online in this Zoom room.

Porträt von
Dr. Katharina Zinke

Katharina Zinke studierte Psychologie an der TU Dresden, promovierte im Bereich Entwicklungspsychologie und arbeitete an der TU Dresden und der Universität Tübingen im Bereich der entwicklungspsychologischen / neurowissenschaftlichen Forschung. Seit Mai 2022 verstärkt sie das Open Science Lab der SLUB zum Thema Forschungsdaten und betreut das Fachreferat Psychologie. Zudem steht sie als Wissensmanagerin für den Bereich Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften für fakultätsübergreifende Fragen zur Verfügung. Beratungstermine können in deutscher und englischer Sprache über die Wissensbar, per Mail oder telefonisch +49 351 4677 439 vereinbart werden.

Location Virtuell und in Präsenz, Orts- und Zugangsdaten siehe Infobox