Estate of Theodor Blumer (1881 - 1964)

" Theodor Blumer has become famous for the fresh and carefree musicality of his works for wind ensemble. They form the real antithesis of the orchestral works. This is the basis of the sensational success of his so unsensational works op. 34 and op. 45. They were performed by all wind ensembles worth mentioning, were heard all over Germany, Switzerland, Italy, America; op. 45 has become, as one would say today, a 'wind hit of international importance'." Prof. Dr. Joseph Maria Müller-Blattau SLUB: World postcard by Martin Herzfeld, Dresden 1911

On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of Theodor Blumer's death on 21 September 2014, the cataloguing of the 356 manuscripts of music from the composer's estate at SLUB took place in the RISM online catalogue.

Theodor Blumer was a composer who worked more in silence and was on friendly terms with only two contemporaries: Carl Hauptmann, the brother of the poet Gerhart Hauptmann, and the music publisher Wilhelm Zimmermann. Blumer composed in an extraordinarily versatile way for the concert hall as well as for quality entertainment and domestic music. Several years of collaboration as a pianist with the wind quintet of the Königliche Musikalische Kapelle Dresden introduced him to chamber music for wind instruments. His compositions for wind instruments became so successful that the most renowned wind ensembles in Germany and abroad took up his works. Theodor Blumer was one of the pioneers of radio. From 1925 onwards he was involved in setting up the first musical broadcasts, first in Dresden and from 1931 onwards as Kapellmeister at the Reichssender Leipzig. In 1941, due to the war, no more radio programmes were produced. In 1942 Blumer withdrew from musical life for health reasons. After the war, he was unable to find a permanent position in Leipzig. Blumer hoped to improve his personal circumstances by moving to Berlin-Charlottenburg in 1952. He died in West Berlin in 1964.

How did the estate come to the SLUB?

As early as 1966, an agreement was reached between the then Saxon State Library Dresden (SLB) and Theodor Blumer's widow, Mrs Hildegard Blumer-Ostkamp, who resided in West Berlin. The compositional estate of her husband was donated to the SLB for incorporation into theArchive of Dresden Composers of the 20th Century Dresden composers. Mrs. Blumer could determine the time of the transfer at her own discretion. By 1980, no transfer had taken place. After the library management inquired with Mrs. Blumer, the first package deliveries arrived in Dresden in 1981 and 1982. In the meantime, it was becoming more and more difficult for Mrs. Blumer-Ostkamp to send parcels from West to East, so she went to Dresden in person to renegotiate the shipment of the estate. The "Amerika-Gedenkbibliothek" in West Berlin, which maintained exchange agreements with the SLB, now took over the mailing. In 1985, Ms Blumer-Ostkamp again expressed concerns about customs control. She was reassured about this. The SLB had an import permit for all kinds of media. In the same year, the deliveries were completed. After the death of Mrs. Blumer-Ostkamp in 2001, the remaining boxes with estate materials and a bust of the composer could be handed over to the present SLUB Dresden.

Holdings of the Music Department

The compositional estate at the SLUB comprises 141 composition autographs, 39 music manuscripts and nine copies of music manuscripts. There are composition autographs from the period from 1907 to 1964, including many sketches. About 30 manuscripts were burnt by a bombing raid on 24 March 1944. The composer's number is Mus.10621. 113 printed scores were also in the estate. The media library received eight tapes and two cassettes.

Music manuscripts

The basic signature (composer number) for the music manuscripts is: Mus.10621. The cataloguing was carried out in RISM from 2013 to 2014.Theodor Blumer successfully composed works of various musical genres: Chamber music, symphonies, operas, for choir and orchestra, and sacred music. Among the composition autographs are compositions with the text by Carl Hauptmann: "Es ist ein zauberstilles Fest" from 1919 and a sacred music "Quempastores Laudavere" for boys' or women's choir and wind quintet. The composition "Hampelmanns", a grotesque dance duet for voice, bassoon and piano with texts by Kurt Arnold Findeisen - the Saxon lyricist and poet who, like Blumer, worked at the Mitteldeutsche Rundfunk-AG in Dresden - is interesting.

Der TodText: Matthias Claudius Composed on 24 February 1903, to commemorate the day of the death of Friedrich Grützmacher (1832-1903), German cellist and composer.SLUB: Mus.10621-K-535


Phantasy pieces for violin with pianoforte accompanimentDedicated toComtesse L. von HeydenDated: "Ober-Bärenburg, den 12. Juli 1911 "SLUB: Mus.10621-R-501


Sonata (D major) for violoncello and pianoforte op.41Dedicatedto Prof. Georg WilleComposed in Wladimir (Russia) in the years from 1917 to 1918SLUB: Mus.10621-R-502


Es ist ein zauberstilles FestForsoprano, alto, pianoText: Carl HauptmannDated: Dresden, 4 November 1919SLUB: Mus.10621-L-504


Quartet in G minor for 2 violins, viola, violoncello op.51Dedicatedin friendship toErdmannWarwas, concertmaster of the State OperaDated: "Completed 24 July 1924 Dresden "SLUB: Mus.10621-P-500


Quempastores LaudavereForboys or women's choir and wind quintetDated: 1925 - 1931SLUB: Mus.10621-E-500


Hampelmanns (grotesque dance duet) for voice, bassoon, piano"Das Leben ist ein Kasperstück o Mitmensch das du nicht gelernt "Text: Kurt Arnold FindeisenSLUB: Mus.10621-I-502


Werbung und Vollendungop. 79Forone alto and baritone voice, flute, oboe, clarinet, horn, string quartet and pianoText: Stein, WaltherDated: 1935SLUB: Mus.19621-G-504


Sonata (D minor) for violoncello and piano op.99DedicatedtoWilhelmPoseggaDated at the end: "15.1.44 "SLUB: Mus.10621-R-511



Printed music

There are 113 printed scores from the estate, including Kriegsgesang für Männerchor und Orchester op. 38 with texts by Carl Hauptmann, written during the First World War in 1917, the Wind Quintet Opus 45, written in 1922, which conquered concert halls all over the world, or the Dresden Impressions from 1958.

Four Pieces op.54

Flute part, dated 1905.Photo: Fischer, Oskar: Solo flutist in the Leipzig Gewandhaus OrchestraSLUB: 5.Mus.2.3606a SLUB: Deutsche Fotothek, 1906

Quintet in B minor op.21

Dated 1906Output from the possession of the Tonkünsterverein DresdenSLUB: 3.Mus.4.1365


Carnival Episode for Orchestra op.22

Dated 1907SLUB: 5. Mus.2.3601


Redemption, tone poem for large orchestra op.24


"Resounding success of Redemption op.24, at its premiere on 15 January 1910 in Chemnitz with Kapellmeister Oskar Malata".

Potpourri from the musical comedy "Der Fünfuhrtee" in three acts op.29

Text: Wolters, WilhelmEntstanden 1911SLUB: Lit. Germ.rec.B2813,72h SLUB: 5.Mus.2.3615

Kriegsgesang for male choir and orchestra op.38

Text: Carl HauptmannDated ca. 1917SLUB: 3.Mus.4.3227

On starved horse carcasses, small, scrawny, hate-whipped Mongolian columns ,it storms and screams curses and disaster from beyond into our blooming fatherland. Icy luster in the eyes, how wildly the knout swung ina gruesomely ossified hand...

Sextet op.45

Dated 1922Friendship to the Wind Ensemble of the Dresden State Opera A. Amans, J. König, A. Richter, A. Lindner, W. Knochenhauer.Dedication on the picture: "To my dear friend Theodor Blumer, the excellent composer and accompanist, in friendly memory. John Amans. New York 1925"

Quintet for wind instruments op. 52

Dedicated to the first wind ensemble of the Dresden State Opera (F. Rucker, J. König, K. Schütte, P. Blödner, W. Knochenhauer)Dated 1925SLUB: 5.Mus.8.2821


From the Animal World Work op. 57a

For flute with piano accompanimentDated 1925Ludwig von Hofmann drew the title page.SLUB: 5.Mus.2.3611

Letter to Theodor Blumer

Pillnitz 25.10.41

Dear Master, I have just found the drawing of "Allegretto" that you had in mind some time ago in a very inappropriate place, and I am sending it to you il pur presto possibile, without being able to prevent you from thinking rather strange thoughts about my relationship to Schiller's blessed daughter of heaven.

With best regards, your very devoted Ludwig v. Hofmann.

Dresdner Impressionen was commissioned by Deutschlandsender in 1958. The seven movements show Blumer's close ties to his native Dresden.

Holdings of the manuscript collection

A special catalogue of the existing materials was prepared in 1988. An online digital copy of this catalogue is available. The first delivery of the text manuscripts can be found in the special catalogue of the manuscript collection.

"Dear Mr. Blumer Tomorrow is the first Sunday in October and I would like to remind you and tell you that we would be pleased if you would do the same With kind regards Yours faithfully, Felix Draeseke Franklinstr. 32 3 0ct.03"


This letter is from the second delivery of the estate. The text manuscripts of this delivery have not yet been indexed. The estate contains an autobiographical section, correspondence from 1900 to 1964, reviews from 1926 to 1964, calendars from 1937 to 1956, notebooks, programmes, opera librettos, publishers' catalogues etc.


Picture postcard from Theodor Blumer to parents from Altenburg around 1906SLUB: Mscr.Dresd.App.2509,4

Excerpts from the greetings to parents:"Gel. Parents Altenburg rehearsal over, orchestra not very good, loud auxiliary musicians, conductor very mediocre, city theatre superior. Duke in the field, only she is there and also coming. Absolutely nothing is known of any award for Grützmacher and me, we are speechless.[...]1000 greetings and kisses."

Letter from Carl Hauptmann to Theodor Blumer 1915SLUB: Mscr. Dresd.App.2509,63

"Mittel Schreiberhau 2 February 1915 Dear Mr Blumer Only in a hurry: I would gladly give you what you wished. But it is not possible to [break] into the unknown like this? I just wanted to tell you this in a hurry with many good wishes. I am very sorry not to meet you in Dresden during the lecture period. Now I hope for the performance of the War Matters. I will send you the sonnets on Friday. With best thoughts of the wonderful music of your and my war songs, your Carl Hauptmann".

Postcard from Theo Bauer, chairman of the Tonkünstlerverein in Dresden, to Theodor Blumer, 1933SLUB: Mscr.Dresd.App.2509,46a

"Dresden, 15.9.33 Dear friend! I am delighted that you want to leave the first performance of your new quintet to us. Thank you very much for your proof of loyal attachment to the T.V. I have asked König to prepare the performance. As soon as the gentlemen are ready, I will inform you of the date. [...] Yours, Theo."

SLUB: Mscr. Dresd. App.2509.129


SLUB: Mscr.Dresd.App.2509,46a

"To Mr Theodor Blumer with great reverence 1 July 1941." Hugo van Dalen (1888-1967) is a Dutch pianist, composer and publicist.

SLUB: Mscr.Dresd.App.2509,125

Chamber recital for the 60th birthday of Theodor Blumer in Dresden with the Trio op.55

Theodor Blumer in pictures

The estate of Theodor Blumer contained numerous photos that were included in the image database of the Deutsche Fotothek - including photos of Theodor Blumer (father), family photos and photos of professional colleagues. The original bust of the composer is in the possession of the SLUB. The pictures published here represent a small selection of the photos from the estate archived in the Deutsche Fotothek.

Bust of the composer Theodor Blumer, made by Hannelore Buschkötter SLUB: Deutsche Fotothek, André Rous 2014

Buschkötter (*1923 Berlin) studied church music, German studies and art history. Private studies with sculptor Wilhelm Helmstedt. From 1964 to 1980 head of the sculpture class at the Paul-Löbe-Volkshochschule in Berlin-Wilmersdorf.

Marie Blumer (mother) and on the right Theodor Blumer (father) (1953-1932) SLUB: Mscr.Dresd.App.2509,112 and 113, photos from family collection


Dresden String Quartet with father Blumer SLUB: Mscr.Dresd.App.2509,114, photo from family possession


John Amans (solo flutist) with Theodor Blumer, John Amans 1925 in New YorkSLUB: Mscr.Dresd.App.2509,118 SLUB: Deutsche Fotothek 1925


Fischer, Oskar: Solo flutist in the Leipzig Gewandhaus Orchestra SLUB: Deutsche Fotothek 1906 Bartuzak, Carl: FlutistSLUB: Deutsche Fotothek 1943

Sound documents

The estate of Theodor Blumer contains eight audio tapes and two cassettes. Photo: SLUB Deutsche Fotothek, Rous About the audio documents in the SLUB catalogue.

Author of the website: Marina Lang, Music Department Layout: Ines Pampel, Music Department