Help with Accessing Full Texts
Access to journal articles, e-books, dissertations, research papers, digitized documents etc. is subject to specific regulations. All services are completely available inside the buildings of the SLUB and the TU Dresden campus.
Access from Outside the TU Dresden Campus
Unlimited Access for:
- journal articles marked with a green dot
- specialist databases marked with a green "F"
- publications within the Saxon Document and Publication Server Qucosa
- documents from the Digital Collections
- Open Access documents
Access to E-books from the Ebook Libary
When accessing e-books from the Ebook Library (EBL), you will be asked to log in to your SLUB user account. For more detailed information, please go to Help With E-books from the Ebook Library.
Access to Licensed SLUB Resources
Usually only available for members of the TU Dresden
Licensed resources are:
- journal articles marked with a yellow dot
- specialist databases marked with a yellow "C"
- e-books from the e-book collections of DBIS marked with a yellow "C" and an open lock
- specialist databases (external access) marked with a yellow dot and E
- CD-ROM or DVD databases via the database server Sachsen DBoD
For more detailed information, please go to Access to Licensed Electronic Resources.
Access to National Licences
In order to sustainably improve the supply of electronic subject information at German universities, research institutions and academic libraries, the German Research Foundation has been funding the acquisition of national licences since 2004.
You can access national licences inside and outside the campus network.
Eight institutions have currently concluded national licence agreements with professional societies, publishers and other information providers. These institutions are also the contact persons for the provision of the data.
Further information on the national licences can be found at